Greetings Brothers and Sisters
There are no words to truly explain or describe our GOD. Here on this earth we have GOD's Word that helps us and explains to us the overall plan of our Father for all His creation.
GOD is creation, He is life in every aspect from the most miniscule form to the largest form we know which is the universe. All this is created with love and purpose. All this has been put forth from the voice of our GOD. He is and does create. He loves His creation and does protect and nurture it.
Being the beginning He does know what will sustain it and keep it alive and growing. If you think about just our little lives and the experiences we have had in life. We too know that all things that continue to live are good and pure. If we live long enough we witness the result of any living thing that has been infected with any thing that is not good and/or impure. The result eventually is death.
The pathway from the initial infection to death is filled with pain and suffering.
This rings a bell in that the beginning of this earth when Adam and Eve were told in their perfect garden not to eat of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil or they would die.
GOD gave them everything they needed to live and grow fruitfully in goodness and purity. This was all fine until a temptation was put before them.
Ahhhhhhhh he says, God knows that if you disobey and eat of this tree, your eyes will be opened to all knowledge and you will be as gods.
They had already known goodness to some extent and lived fruitfully in it and I'm sure were very content. They had no idea about evil or what it would bring. GOD knew of course and forewarned, Don't go there!
GOD would not forbid them to this knowledge but loved enough to warn of the consequences. After all He gives free will to us. Our WILLING desire to see/understand/live the good and purity that sustains all life eternally is the key. They chose to disobey anyway knowing the consequence.
Hence evil was allowed to continue on this earth and has destroyed countless souls from ever seeing the true love and purpose of our Father, our Creator.
The Holy Bible reveals and was given to us by GOD to teach and show us the struggles of man to fight off this infection of sin and disobedience. Showing us how living truly is when we are free of this infection and how good we feel and how wonderful life can be. All things living in harmony of righteousness and true love for one another. It also reveals what life is like when we turn not from sin. This planet is living in the consequences of our choices as a whole. For some reason we just cannot understand what life really is and how to sustain it, even though our GOD has done everything possible to show us.
Even the Covenant of Good ( the ten commandments ) given to us by the very hand of our Father written in Tables of Stone do not say YOU WILL, they say THOU SHALT NOT. They say this because they are showing us the path of righteousness. It's not by force, its by love. Showing us the way to love and to live. Not just for our lives here on this planet but for all eternity.
GOD's purpose is eternal and we can be a beautiful part of it or not, the choice is ours. He has made it very clear the path to follow that allows life to continue and thrive.
The wages of sin is death.........
Choose life my friends...........
Be Blessed...........
Amen! What a beautiful gift we have been given in Him. Xo